मौजूदा िलɝ को हटा कर एक नए िलɝ (10 ʩİƅ) की आपूितŊ , सं̾ थापन, परीƗण, कमीशिनंग और रखरखाव SUPPLY, INSTALLATION, TESTING, COMMISSIONING AND MAINTENANCE OF ONE LIFT (10 PASSENGER) AFTER DISMANTLING THE EXISTING LIFT
Transporting iron ore from Screening Plant-2 of Donimalai Complex (Karnataka) to near Ranjithpura Siding (RNJP) through Belt Conveyors and Stacking & Loading Rail Wagons on BOOM basis.
Setting up of Surface Coal Gasification (SCG) technology based coal to chemical (downstream product) project at identified site adjacent to Mahamaya OCP, Bhatgaon area, SECL
Setting up of Surface Coal Gasification (SCG) technology based coal to chemical (downstream product) project at identified site adjacent to Mahamaya OCP, Bhatgaon area, SECL