Annual Rate Contract for round the Clock Operational Assistance (24X7 basis) for Turbine & Aux. Boiler & Aux., Coal Mills & MRS, Compressor of both the Units at a time for the period of Two years of RTPS-Ph#1(2x600MW) having two subcritical Units.
Improvements and Developments of Aycut Roads Gundkarajagi to Basarkod and Gonal P N to Basarkod and SH-161 via Hullur, Koppa, Siddapur to Basarkod Outer Road coming under command area of Chimmalgi LIS, under UKP Stage-III in MuddebihalTaluk, Vijayapura District. (Indent No. 23051)
ALTTC, BSNL Ghaziabad invites Bid on GeM portal from eligible bidders for "EOI for running of canteen in ALTTC, Ghaziabad" situated at Rajnagar, Ghaziabad, PIN-201002 (U.P.).
Running repair and maintenance of sanitary system , toilet requisites & tilesrepairing works including prevention of leakage & seepage from bathroom,kitchen, concealed water &sewerlinesetc in different residential & publicbuildings at CTPS, DVC, Chandrapura