Operation and Maintenance of Coal Handling Plants Complete System, Operation & Maintenance of Locomotives, Railway siding, Wagon Tipplers and Bulldozers including supply of all spares (excluding OEM Spares, Hydraulic Spares, Iron& Steel, Gear Box Spares etc., and certain works as listed in Annexures- I & II), consumables, T&Ps and PPE etc., to meet out the stations’ generation requirements, by preparing FR, DPR &Tender Spec.
Tender document for Outsourcing of Maintenance and provisioning of Landline & Broadband for External plant of Copper Network in clusters J P NAGAR in BGBA.
Assistance to maintenance and operational activities of electrical equipment associated with BTG Control Room, Lighting installations and equipment of Ash Handling Plant of BTPS ( Total 06 nos Labour engaged for said Job). b) Assistance to operational activities of electrical equipment associated with GIS C/R and Switchyard C/R (Total 07 nos Labour engaged for said Job).