Supply, Installation, testing and Commissioning (SITC) of 04 Nos. water pumps for Chiller line and Condenser line of Central AC Plants at Bank’s Building in Chennai.
बैंक के मुख्य कायाविय पररसर, चेन्नै में सर्वर गेटर्े आनकवटेक्चर आधाररत आईपी पीएबीएक्स (IP PABX) नसस्टम का नडिाइन, आपूनतव, थिापना, परीक्षण और कमीशननंग (डीएसआईटीसी)
Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning (DSITC) of Server Gateway Architecture based IP PABX system in Main Office Building at Reserve Bank of India, Chennai
various Civil, Electrical and other works in Bank’s properties at Kanpur and a panel of vendors and suppliers for supply of various items. The panel will remain in force for a period of three years.(hindi)
Various Civil, Electrical and other works in Bank’s properties at Kanpur and a panel of vendors and suppliers for supply of various items. The panel will remain in force for a period of three years.
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Microprocessor based Security Alarm System in the Bank’s Main Office Building at Reserve Bank of India, Chandigarh (hindi)