Transportation of 30 Lakh MT per annum of raw coal from M/s.MCL mines to SDSTPS via Paradip and Adani Krishnapatnam ports by Rail cum Sea mode for a period of two years” on APGENCO.
Annual Maintenance Contract for Refilling, Repairing / Preventive Maintenance of Fire Extinguishers placed at the Bank’s Main Office Building and the Residential Premises of Reserve Bank of India, Chandigarh”’.
भारतीय ररज़र्व बैंक, चंडीगढ़ अपने मुख्य कायावलय भर्न और भारतीय ररजर्व बैंक, चंडीगढ़ के आर्ासीय पररसर ं में रखे गए अग्निशामक ं की ररग्निग्नलंग, मरम्मत / ग्ननर्ारक रखरखार् के ग्नलए र्ाग्नषवक रखरखार् अनुबंध के ग्नलए इच्छुक एर्ं पात्र िमों से ग्ननग्नर्दाएं आमंग्नत्रत करता है। कायव की अनुमाग्ननत लागत ₹4.93 लाख मात्र (जी॰ एस॰ टी॰ सग्नहत) है।
Construction of draught canal and coffer dam along with allied civil works at headworks & WTP under Bulk Water Supply to Mysuru City, MUDA area & villages in and around local planning area from Cauvery River as source near Haleundavadi.
Improvements of Water Supply Scheme to Bellur town of Mandya district, Hanur & Yelandur towns of Chamarajanagar district and K.R.Nagar & H.D.Kote towns of Mysuru district under AMRUT 2.0, including the Operation and Maintenance for a period of 5 years through Design, Built, Operate and Transfer (DBOT mode).
Providing Water Supply Distribution System to Someshwara Town (Tranche 1 & 2), Kotekar Town (Tranche 1 & 2) & Remodelling of Water Supply Distribution System in Ullala Town (Tranche 2) with upstream of Thumbe Vented Dam across Nethravathi River near Sajipa Munnur as source under AMRUT 2.0 including O&M for 5 years through Design, Build, Operation and Transfer (DBOT) Mode (Lumspum Tender – No Variation)”
Providing 2nd Stage Under Ground Drainage System to Channapatna City including Operation & Maintenance for a period of 3 years (including 1 year DLP) through Design, Build, Operate and Transfer (DBOT)