Implementation of Energy Efficiency Project for streetlights by replacement of existing conventional lamps with LED lamps along with Centralized Control & Monitoring System (CCMS) in Haveri DUDC limits through PPP mode (MUN3CR50/2018-19/CALL-3)
Loading, transportation, unloading of coal from surface coal yard of Tubed Coal Mines to DVC Coal Stock yard at Kusmahi Goods siding , Balumath and associated miscellaneous works for the period of one year.
The tenders are invited by MSME-TDC, CFTI Agra under double bids system from intrastate manufactures/ authorized suppliers/agencies for Procurement of Air Refrigerated Air Dryer for Capacity of 150 CFM Air Compressor. The details of specification, tender document, EMD etc. can be downloaded from the Institute’s official website or ( /eprocure/app)
भारतीय įरज़वŊ बœक (आरबीआई), लखनऊ के अलीगंज İ̾ थत आवासीय पįरसर मŐ ऑफ-िŤड, हाइिŰड सोलर ɘांट (1.5 KWp X 03 नंबर और 03 KWp X 02 नंबर) के िडजाइन आपूितŊ, सं̾ थापन, पįरƗण और कायŊ आरंभ करने हेतु ई-िनिवदा