Operation and Maintenance of Coal Handling Plants Complete System, Operation & Maintenance of Locomotives, Railway siding, Wagon Tipplers and Bulldozers including supply of all spares (excluding OEM Spares, Hydraulic Spares, Iron& Steel, Gear Box Spares etc., and certain works as listed in Annexures- I & II), consumables, T&Ps and PPE etc., to meet out the stations’ generation requirements, by preparing FR, DPR &Tender Spec.
Proposal for Hiring of one no. non-AC hard cover Seven seated Diesel driven vehicle (Bolero/Sumo/Scorpio/Tuv) along with driver for RTPS Ph#1 for round the clock basis (24X7 hours), C&I maintenance activities of IPH, OPH, Ash Plant, Water Package at DVC RTPS for a period of Two (02) years