Providing Comprehensive Underground Sewerage Scheme to Left out areas of Madhavaram (Division – 26,27,28,30,31&33), Area-III in Chennai City. CNT/SEW/NCB/AMRUT 2.0 & KfW/002/2023-24
Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board
Supply, Erection & Commissioning of Product Water Transmission Mains for the 400 MLD Desalination Plant at Perur on East Coast Road, south of Chennai and upto Porur Head Works and all allied works including O&M for 20 years- Package No.CP3-A From Ch:0 to Ch:27100 with 5 Km of Ductile Iron K9 Branch line” vide Tender No: CNT/WSS/ICB/JICA/DESAL/GOI/020/2023-24 for a value of Rs.488 Crores.
Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board
supply of 4200 nos. Upgraded High Tensile Centre Buffer Coupler and its components for 25T axle load wagons to RDSO Specification No. WD-70-BD-10 with latest revision or latest drawings.