Preparation of (Chemical & Conventional) DC Earth at BSNL Telephone exchange and BSNL BTS Site locations in KOLAR OA under Bangalore Business Area (BGBA) of Karnataka Telecom Circle for the year 2024-25
ANWAL LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEME Stage 2- Providing of Raising Main pipe (Design,supply, erection, testing and commissioning) including allied works such as anchor blocks, thrust blocks, structures for crossings, necessary valves, surge protection works, railway crossing and delivery chamber at Ch:148+800of Ghataprabha Right Bank Canal in Badamitaluk of Bagalkote district including OperationandMaintenance for a period of 5 years after successful completion of work ANWAL LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEME Stage-2 on Turn-Key Basis." (Indent No. KNNLI2024-25/LIWORK_INDENT1122)
"SHIRUR LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEME Stage 2- Providing of Raising Main & Bleeder pipe (Design. supply, erection, testing and commissioning) including allied works such as anchor blocks, thrust blocks,struclures for crossings, necessary valves,surgc protection works and delivery chamber at Ch:182+560 of Ghataprabha Right Bank Canal in Badamitaluk of Bagalkote district including Operation and Maintenance for a period of 5 years after successful completion of work SHIRUR LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEME-Stage-2 on Tum-Key Basis." (ndent No. KNNL2024-25/LINWORK_INDENT1125
ANWAL LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEME Stage 2- Providing of Raising Main pipe (Design,supply, erection, testing and commissioning) including allied works such as anchor blocks, thrust blocks, structures for crossings, necessary valves, surge protection works, railway crossing and delivery chamber at Ch:148+800of Ghataprabha Right Bank Canal in Badamitaluk of Bagalkote district including OperationandMaintenance for a period of 5 years after successful completion of work ANWAL LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEME Stage-2 on Turn-Key Basis." (Indent No. KNNLI2024-25/LIWORK_INDENT1122)
"KADARKOPPA LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEME Survey, Investigation, Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Lift Irrigation System (Head Works consisting of construction of Intake Canal, Jack well Cum pump house, Vertical Turbine pumps coupled to HT Motors, Power supply including terminal bay, 110 KV Electrical Sub Station, Transmission line, Rising Main and Delivery Chamber) for providing irigation facility to suffering command from Palkimani Direct Minor to Hanumaneri distributary of GRBC cOvering an ICA Of 8750 Ha in Mudhol, Badami and Bagalkot taluk, Bagalkot District by lifting water from Ghataprabha River near Udagatti Village including Operation and Maintenance for aperiod of 5 years after successful commissioning of work for KADARKOPPA LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEME on Turn-Key Basis.." (Indent No. KNNLI2024-25/LI/WORK_INDENT1124
"SHIRUR LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEME Stage 2- Providing of Raising Main & Bleeder pipe (Design. supply, erection, testing and commissioning) including allied works such as anchor blocks, thrust blocks,struclures for crossings, necessary valves,surgc protection works and delivery chamber at Ch:182+560 of Ghataprabha Right Bank Canal in Badamitaluk of Bagalkote district including Operation and Maintenance for a period of 5 years after successful completion of work SHIRUR LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEME-Stage-2 on Tum-Key Basis." (ndent No. KNNL2024-25/LINWORK_INDENT1125
ANWAL LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEME Stage 2- Providing of Raising Main pipe (Design,supply, erection, testing and commissioning) including allied works such as anchor blocks, thrust blocks, structures for crossings, necessary valves, surge protection works, railway crossing and delivery chamber at Ch:148+800of Ghataprabha Right Bank Canal in Badamitaluk of Bagalkote district including OperationandMaintenance for a period of 5 years after successful completion of work ANWAL LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEME Stage-2 on Turn-Key Basis." (Indent No. KNNLI2024-25/LIWORK_INDENT1122)