Inviting Item wise two cover tender is called for the mentioned Indent No :DMA/2023-24/OW/Work_ INDENT 13093 for CMC Haveri estimate cost value of Rs. 1480.00 Lakh under 2022-23 Nagarothana Phase-4 works. As per Karnataka Transperency Procurement Port Act 2000 Modification Act 2021.
Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of SCADA based automation system for main canals – LBC, RBC and NBC branch canal of Malaprabha Irrigation Project including 5 years of Operation and Maintenance on Turnkey Basis.”
lnvrung ltem wise two cover tender is called for the mentioned Indent No :DMA/2 023-24 / OWlWork_ INDENT 13093 for CMC Haveri estimate cost value of Rs. 1480.00 Lakh under 20ZZ-ZZ Nagarothana Phase-4 works. As per Karnataka Transperency Procurement port Act 2000 Modifi cation Act 202L